This is the current list of law firms designated by the Union to help TCU members .
TCU-listed counsel will be listed in alphabetical order and there will be no designation for any branch or division of TCU.
• Any contingency fee charged in cases involving a TCU member involved in an on-the-job injury under the Federal Employers' Liability Act (FELA) will not exceed 25 percent of the recovery, exclusive of costs.
• Any firm must be willing to handle all justifiable cases and not select only those of high potential recovery. • Under no circumstances will a referral fee be paid any TCU member recommending a certain firm to an injured employee.
• All TCU-designated firms will conduct themselves according to American Bar Association ethical standards.
• The firm must not under any circumstances become involved in union politics, though it may sponsor certain union events when asked to do so. Virtually all firms do, in fact, contribute to support union social functions.
• The firm should have a staff member capable of explaining to members their rights under FELA when asked to do so by a TCU unit. The firm should be prepared to give advice about the rights and liabilities of union members involved in onthe-job injuries either by telephone or in a personal interview at no cost to the union member.
• Each of the law firms on this list is experienced in handling personal injuries and/or FELA claims. This list is intended to assist you in selecting counsel, although you are not required to select counsel from this list.